
Showing posts from 2011

ஒரு கப்பல் புயலில் மாட்டிக் கொண்டபோது

     ஒரு கப்பல் புயலில் மாட்டிக் கொண்டபோது,அதில் பயணித்த அனைவரும் இறைவனை வழிபட தொடங்கினர்.ஒரு புத்த துறவி மாத்திரம் ஏதும் செய்யாது இருந்தார்.அவரை அனைவரும் பைத்தியம் என்று கேலி பேசினர்.அந்த துறவி சொன்னார்,''எனக்குக் கடவுளிடம் எந்த வியாபாரமும் இல்லை.நம்மைக் காப்பாற் வேண்டுமா,மூழ்கடிக் க வேண்டுமா என்பது இறைவன் கவலைப்பட வேண்டிய ஒன்று.அது என்னுடைய கவலை இல்லை.நான் பிறப்பதற்கு அவரிடம் கேட்கவில்லை.திடீரென இந்த பூமிக்கு  நான் வந்தேன்.ஆகவே,மரணத்தை  பற்றியும் நான் கேட்க முடியாது.எப்போது பிறப்பு என் கையில் இல்லையோ,மரணத்தைப்பற்றி மட்டும் எப்படி என் கட்டுப்பாட்டிற்குள் கொண்டு வரமுடியும்?


While watching around the Aranmanai(fort) at kuruvikulam, its now a match factory in a ruined condition. Saw this wall which the roots were penetrate through the crack and spread over the wall. I was really impressed by the shape and beauty of the colour.


Taken at Pondicherry beach road at night. This is a craft shop and a ice cream parlor which i likes most because of the light. Captured with my camera in the black and white mode.

(Travel) Chennai To Kuala Lumpur


A Short Trip To Mumbai

Self portrait...! Mumbai's London- Hiranandani Strange streets and nice buildings at marine drive The next dhadha who is going to rule mumbai Mr.Basker Future Goal....My dream Wisdom

My Recent Paintings


The 3rd Generation of Art

       This is my grandfather Mr.Navaneetha krishnan who was responsible for our Artist family. Myself is our 3rd generation in Art. He was popularly know as "Artoys Navaneethan" in our region. Artoys is the name of our studio. He learnt Art from his guru Mr.Ramasubhu in nagercoil and later he started his own studio at Ambasamudiram and my father was a kid in that time. soon after my father learnt art from my grandpa in his teenage and started helping in the studio and then they relocated to tirunelveli. Later my two paternal uncle's were join with him and started working. When i was a small kid i used to watch all of them and sat next to my grandpa watching what he is doing in his canvas?? that was my great inspiration which made me to start create art. Recently a person (my friend) who comes to know our family. He was so excited and asked me "how a business family can create art and surviving still  depending only art for the 3rd generation?"" T...

3rd Edition

The yellow rat snake got a hurt in its back so somebody might have beaten it. but still it acts so ferocious and you could realize when you watch the video.